Our Value for this term is ENJOYMENT

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Whitefields Primary

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A Values Based School

Year 3 Curriculum Overview

KS2 Curriculum Map

Autumn 1 - The Iron Man

WOW! Factor: Shocking Discovery of the Iron Man

Fantastic Finish: Building a trap for the Iron Man

Book: The Iron Man  Author: Ted Hughes

This term we will be reading The Iron Man and seeing The Iron Man and the Space-bat-angel dragon take on a challenge and test their strength. We will be using this book to make links with Geography by locating countries and their capital cities from the northern and southern hemispheres. The children will be studying the work of Andy Goldsworthy and creating a piece of art in his style. In science the children will be investigating friction and magnetic forces, exploring how the north and south poles attract and repel.

Topic Plan

Autumn 2 - The Great Kapok Tree


WOW! Factor: Animal Dress-up Day

Fantastic Finish: TBC

Book: The Great Kapok Tree Author: Lynne Cherry

The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry tells the story of a man sent to cut down a giant Kapok tree in the Amazon rainforest. While resting beneath it, he is visited by various animals that depend on the tree for survival. Each one explains how the tree is essential to their habitat. Moved by their words, the man decides not to chop it down. The story highlights the importance of preserving the rainforest and its ecosystems. In history, we learn about the Maya civilisation and deepen our knowledge of plants, in science, by exploring their life cycle.

Topic Plan

Spring 1 - Beware of the King

WOW! Factor: TBC 

Fantastic Finish: A Tudor banquet

Book: Beware of the King Author: Stewart Ross 

This is a history-led unit all about the Tudors. The children learn about Henry VIII's cruel reign and his influence on society and the country.  The children learn Tudor dancing in PE. In art, they create self-portraits in the style of Hans Holbein and in history chose to study a topic of their choice relating to Tudor England. 

Topic Plan

Spring 2 – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

WOW! Factor: Chocolate tasting

Fantastic Finish: Make an Easter egg

 Book: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Author: Roald Dahl

This story teaches children about good choices and links nicely with our well-being curriculum. This topic leads us to investigate where food/chocolate comes from. In DT, the children will be designing and making their own chocolate bar and wrapper. In science, we will be exploring the skeleton and muscles of humans and animals creating links to nutrition and healthy eating. In RE, the children will be learning about festivals and their deeper meanings.

Topic Plan

Summer 1 - The Hodgeheg

WOW! Factor: Hedgehog Sanctuary Visit

Fantastic Finish: Make hedgehog homes

Book: Hodgeheg Author: Dick King-Smith 

During this term, in science, the children will be studying light and observing reflections and shadows. They will also work scientifically by gathering and recording information. In Geography, the children will be naming and locating counties and cities in the UK, whilst developing an understanding of the eight points of a compass. In DT, we will be designing a torch and in RE, the children will be learning about Passover. 

Topic Plan

Summer 2 – Down with the Romans

WOW! Factor: Making Roman shields 

Fantastic Finish: TBC 

Book: Down with the Romans  Author: Jeremy Strong 

This story introduces the children to the transition from the Celts to the Romans. In history, the children will learn how the Romans conquered Britain in AD43, its empire and the impact it has had on Britain. In Art, we will be creating a background using a wash and exploring different effects by using a variety of brushes. Geography lends itself to researching the differences between living in the UK and a Mediterranean country. Science will include grouping and comparing rocks, fossils and soil.

Topic Plan