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Whitefields Primary

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A Values Based School

Ofsted Report

Our most recent Ofsted inspection on the 23rd and 24th May 2023 has been published and we are very proud that Whitefield continues to be a good school.  We are delighted with the report overall, as it highlights many aspects of the great work we do here at Whitefield. Some of the most notable comments include:

  • Pupils happily attend Whitefield Primary Academy. They are kind, friendly and welcoming to visitors. Pupils know and understand the school values. These help pupils to be respectful and become well rounded individuals. Pupils trust staff to help them. This helps pupils feel safe.
  • Pupils learn a broad and rich curriculum. This helps them to develop their talents and interests. Pupils show positive attitudes to their learning. They try their best and consequently achieve well. Pupils are well prepared for the next stage in their education.
  • Reading has a high priority. This is clear in the importance books have across all curriculum areas. For instance, when pupils learn about Nelson Mandela, they read a book about a young person living through apartheid. This helps pupils to have a deeper understanding of more complex issues and to read more widely. Pupils are encouraged to read widely through incentives, and they respond well to this.
  • Pupils behave well. They follow the clear rules and routines. This means that most lessons flow smoothly because pupils listen carefully and try their best. Pupils learn to understand how their actions may affect others. This helps them show compassion. They understand that sometimes others do not behave well because their emotions are not calm.

Of course, we are always striving to improve standards and make our school the best we can for our children, so we will be working hard on the area the inspector has suggested for improvement:

  • In a few subjects, leader's curriculum planning is less established. Where this is the case, some teachers do not have the subject knowledge required to be fully secure when explaining tasks and modelling work. This means that teaching is not always clear enough and pupils are unsure how to approach learning activities. Consequently, pupils do not learn all the knowledge intended. Leaders need to ensure that staff have the training and guidance needed to deliver the curriculum highly effectively in these subjects.

This area will be identified as a priority within our new School Improvement Plan in September.

You can read the complete report by clicking here: Whitefield Primary Academy - Ofsted report

If you wish to compare schools, please visit the Government's school comparison page, https://www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk/

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