Our Value for this term is ENJOYMENT

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Whitefields Primary

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A Values Based School

School Uniform

Uniform can be ordered online directly from our suppliers, Prestige Design & Workwear Ltd and Brigade. We no longer keep uniform in stock.

Prestige Design & Workwear ordering

 Brigade Uniform ordering

For pre-loved uniform, we have some available in school or you can donate or receive uniform at Level Trust Uniform Exchange. https://www.leveltrust.org/

Uniform Expectations


Standard uniform

 Summer  Uniform Variations




White polo shirt and a purple school logo* sweatshirt or cardigan.

Black or grey trousers; or a skirt with grey or black tights or black, grey or white knee-length socks

May wear a purple gingham dress with white socks, ankle or knee length, and white tights (no leggings)

Sturdy, plain black school shoes Grey, black or white plain socks

Shoulder-length or longer hair is to be tied up at all times. Only plain, discrete hair bands to be used.


White polo shirt and a purple school logo* sweatshirt Black or grey trousers

May wear black or grey tailored shorts

Sensible, plain black school shoes Grey, black or white plain socks

No extreme hairstyles such as ‘Mohican styles’, dyed or spiked hair. Or with patterns or lines shaved in.

 * Please note from November 2022 iron-on/sew-on logo badges will be available for parents to purchase.


Outdoor footwear (i.e. wellingtons and furry boots) is only to be worn to and from school. If children choose to wear outdoor footwear to and from school they must bring in their plain black school shoes to wear during the day. Our preference is for children to wear plain black school shoes and not boots. However, your child may wear boots, with no embellishments, if they are worn under their school trousers. High-heeled shoes, ‘Ugg’ style boots or open-toed sandals are not acceptable to wear in school.


No jewellery is to be worn to school, except a watch and a single set of small stud earrings (which must be removed for PE and swimming). Hoop earrings and larger studs can be very dangerous and are unsuitable for school, as are necklaces, rings or bracelets.

Personal Appearance

Hair should be tied back if it is shoulder length or longer and children should not have patterns shaved into the side of the head or have their hair dyed. Hair ties should be small and discrete. It is also prohibited for children to wear nail varnish. School will provide acetone-free nail polish for children to remove the varnish. Makeup is not considered appropriate for school and if worn, children will be asked to remove it.

Cultural observance

Girls may wear a black or purple hijab for cultural reasons. If pupils choose to wear headwear, it must be a solid black or purple and not require a pin or brooch to secure it. It must fit close to the head and not flap around. Headscarves are not appropriate for school; a hijab must be worn instead. Children wearing hijabs will need to ensure that they are safe during PE by either removing their hijab or by substituting it for a bandana that is tight to the head or a sports hijab.White tights may be worn underneath summer dresses and trousers can be worn all year round.

P.E. and Games

Kit Expectations It is important that every child has a suitable change of clothing and footwear for physical education lessons. The following should be kept in a separate P.E. bag;

  • Plain black shorts
  • Plain white t-shirt
  • Tracksuit bottoms for cultural observance only
  • Plimsolls or suitable trainers (not fashion sports shoes)
  • In winter, a plain black tracksuit may be worn
  • No football kits please

Please ensure your child brings in the correct P.E. kit. Lack of kit does not allow for non-participation.

School equipment

Pupils have the opportunity to take books home from school. Pupils are responsible for ensuring reading, library books and learning logs are returned in a satisfactory condition and parents are required to pay for the loss or damage of school books. Therefore, all pupils must use a bag, for transporting books and homework to and from school each day. Book bags with primary school logo are available from the school office.


It is the class teacher’s responsibility to monitor uniform and discuss anything that is inappropriate with parents. If the matter cannot be resolved, an official uniform letter will be sent out stating the uniform issue and when it needs to be addressed by. If parents are having financial difficulties where uniform is concerned, they can seek support through the Family Worker team.

Thank you for your continued support.

Please see our Uniform Policy for further information.