Reception Work
This page has been set up to give your child access to work in the event of a school closure.
Please click on the files below to download.
Week 1 - Week Beginning 23/03/2020
- A timetable and learning ideas for reception - week beg 23 3 20 1
- All weeks - Maths number-line-0-20-with numicon shapes
- All Weeks - Reading - Phase-3-Pictures-and-Captions
- All Weeks - Reading phase-2-sentences-pictures-and-captions-matching-cards
- All weeks English- Read Build Write Mats
- All weeks English-phase-2-pictures-and-captions-writing-frames-
- All weeks Reading- List of phonics reading words in order of difficulty
- All weeks Reading- phase-3-captions-and-pictures-matching-cards-
- All weeks-English Letter-Formation-Alphabet-Handwriting-Sheet-Uppercase-and-Lowercase
- week 1 and 2 - English The enormous turnip pictures for captions and speed word mat .ppt
- Week 1 and 2 English -The enormous turnip T4W version.ppt
- Week 1 and 2 Enormous Turnip Song T4W version
- week 1 daily write cvc-picture-cards to have a go at writing a few each day
- week 1 English -extra idea - cvc-ccvc-and-cvcc-activity-sheet-
- Week 1 Maths- all-about-number-19-activity-sheet pdf
- week 1 Maths- all-about-number-19-powerpoint ppt.ppt
- week 1 Maths- REVISION -Money-Matching-PowerPoint-Activity-Up-to-10p.pptx
- week 1 Topic -Bean Growth Sequencing Worksheet
- week 1 Topic- Bean-Life-Cycle-PowerPoint.pptx
- Weeks 1 and 2 English -the enormous turnip t4w version story map and story text.ppt
Week 2 - Week Beginning 30/03/2020
- A timetable of home learning ideas for Reception week beg 30 3 20
- week 2 - butterfly life cycle .ppt
- week 2 - chicken life cycle.ppt
- week 2 - English - reading - captions and picture matching - harder level
- week 2 - frog life cycle.ppt
- Week 2 - Physical Development - 60 second Bunny Jump Challenge
- Week 2 - Physical Development - 60 second Skipping Challenge
- Week 2 - Physical Development - 60 second Speed Bounce Challenge
- Week 2 - Physical Development - 60 second Star Jumps Challenge
- Week 2 - Physical Development - 60 second Step Ups Challenge
- week 2 - Understanding the World - Easter.pptx
- Week 2 - Understanding the World - new life at Easter.pptx
- Week 2 - Understanding the World UW Topic - life cycle of a sunflower.pptx
- Week 2 and ongoing - english - handwriting practise
- week 2 and ongoing - English - handwriting practise RWI set 2 sounds level
- Week 2 and ongoing - handwriting practise - basic phonics sounds
- week 2 and ongoing - handwriting sheets - set 2 or 3 RWI sounds
- Week 2 and ongoing - Number formation practise workbook - Jack and the Beanstalk growing theme
- week 2 English - reading - matching captions to pictures
- week 2 English - Simple-Sentence-Writing-Prompt-Pictures
- Week 2 human life cycle - cut and stick activity you can get these on twinkl for all the other life cycles too
- Week 2 or any week - pencil control workbook for anyone who struggles with pencil control
Week 3 - Week Beginning 06/04/2020
- A timetable of home learning ideas for Reception week beg 06 04 20
- week 3 - optional Easter themed maths fun
- week 3 - optional home learning - egg-box-chick-craft-instructions-
- Week 3 - optional home learning - practise cutting skills and shape names
- Week 3 - optional home learning activity - Woven-String-Egg-Craft-Instructions
- week 3 - Optional Home Learning challenges - Easter themed
- Week 3 - optional home learning -Easter-Word-Search-Black-and-White-Lower-Case version
- Week 3 - optional home learning for those that need to practise their pencil control
- Week 3 - optional home learrning - you can easily draw this into your childs work book
- Week 3 - Optional maths booklet - easter-themed-maths-activity-book-straight-1-4-9
- Week 3 and 4 - Optional Easter Holidays Home Learning Challenges minus the farm and library ideas
- Week 3- optional home learning - dot to dot pictures
- week 3- Optional home learning - paper-plate-easter-basket-craft-instructions-
- Week 3 optional home learning - word searches
- week 3 optional home learning activity -Woven-Paper-Egg-Craft-Instructions - good for fine motor skills
- Week 3 optional home learning- UW - The Easter Story from the Christian Bible pptx.pptx
- Week 3 or 4 - English - Optional home learning - phase 4 tricky words
- week 3 or 4 English - optional home learning -easter-phase-2-tricky-word-activity-booklet
- Week 3 or 4 optional home learning - maths Easter addition to 20 pdf
- week 3 or 4 optional home learning -English phase 3 tricky words
Week 4 - Week Beginning 13/04/2020
- A timetable of home learning ideas for Reception week beg 13 04 20
- week 4 - easter-egg-repeating-patterns shapes -activity-sheet
- Week 4 - maths - easter bunny 3D shapes powerpoint.pptx
- Week 4 - Maths - Every-Day-3D-Shapes-Powerpoint ver 1.ppt
- week 4 - Maths Name-the-2D-Shape -PowerPoint-Quiz.ppt
- Week 4 - optional home learning - phase 2 phonics mosaics only print the black and white pages
- Week 4 - optional home learning - phase 3 phonics mosaics only print the black and white pages
- week 4 - Optional home learning - pom pom animals instructions
- week 4 - optional home learning - practise cutting skills and shape names
- Week 4 - Optional home learning - revise any numbers that your child finds hard to recognise and or write
- Week 4 - optional home learning activity - finding rhyming words
- Week 4 - optional home learning idea - try this or look for different hand or foot print picture ideas online
- Week 4 - optional home learning- Pom Pom Animal Template
Week 5 - Week Beginning 20/04/2020
- 2020 animals book web
- A timetable of home learning ideas for Reception summer 1-week beg 20 04 20
- Gruffalo sequencing pictures - black and white
- Gruffalo speed words YR
- one-more-or-one-less-than-home-learning-challenges
- one-more-than-monkey-powerpoint-english ver 2 1 .pptx
- Popping Bubbles PowerPoint.pptx
- Read write Inc-sound-mats.pptx
- The Gruffalo Text for week one Summer term PPT.ppt
- The Gruffalo word mat
Week 6 - Week Beginning 27/04/2020
- A timetable of home learning ideas for Reception summer 1 week 2 beg 27 04 20
- Animals - The Gruffalo Story with pictures with the text.pptx
- animals for description.pptx
- Gruffalo characters black and white printable
- gruffalo-order the characters
- Home challenge-Counting and Ordering Numbers to 20
- Picture of the Gruffalo and description sentences to fill in blanks and to use as prompts for changing to your own monster
- The Gruffalo-bookpdf
Week 7 - Week Beginning 04/05/2020
- A timetable of home learning ideas for Reception summer 1 week 3 beg 04 05 20
- Addition number-bonds-to-10-ten-frame-activity ver 3
- addition-to-20-activity-sheets-english
- colour-word-mat ver 1
- Ideas for alternative animals for story bag
- Subtraction-sweets
Week 8 - Week Beginning 11/05/2020
- A timetable of home learning ideas for Reception summer 1 week 4 beg 11 05 20
- Home challenge -Doubling problem solving I
- Home challenge -Halving problem solving T
- Home challenge- Sharing problem solving
- nursery rhymes.pptx
- The monster poem
- T-T-12251-Nursery-Rhyme-Booklet-- ver 2
Week 9 - Week Beginning 18/05/2020
- A timetable of home learning ideas for Reception summer 1 week 5 beg 18 05 20
- Animal-Factfile-Display-Posters ver 5
- Animal-Factfile-Worksheets
- pattern-activity-sheets-
- pattern-activity-sheets-shapes-and-colours- ver 6
- patterns-home-learning-challenges-reception-
- Pets I Spy and Add to 20
- Pets I Spy and Add to 20 Checklist
Week 10 - Week Beginning 25/05/2020
- A timetable of home learning ideas for Reception summer 1 beg 25 05 20
- Animals - Ronald-rhymes-poem-activity-sheets ver 2
- Animals Ronald-the-rhino-rhyming-powerpoint ver 3.ppt
- Coin-Reveal-PowerPoint ver 7 1 .ppt
- Money 1p 2p 5p.pptx
- Rhyming-Odd-One-Out-Strips ver 1
- t-n-4814-how-much-money-is-in-my-jar-british-money-differentiated-activity-sheets- ver 2
- what-am-i-jungle-animal-powerpoint.ppt
Week 11 - Week Beginning 01/06/2020
- 2020 fantasy book web
- A timetable of home learning ideas for Reception summer 2 week 1 beg 01 06 20
- Capacity -which-holds-more-powerpoint ver 1.ppt
- capacity-home-learning-challenge-full-or-empty ver 3
- monster-milkshake-cafe---capacity-powerpoint ver 3 1 .pptx
- Whatever Next .ppt
- Whatever Next speed words
Week 12 - Week Beginning 08/06/2020
- A timetable of home learning ideas for Reception summer 2 week 2 beg 08 06 20
- design-your-own-planet-activity-sheet ver 2
- estimates-how-many-objects-home-learning-challenges-english ver 4
- Forgiveness
- Instructions Toolkit
- Interactive-Clock-face template
- Sentence Writing Toolkit jpg
- sweet-shop-estimation-activity-sheet-
- -Times-Bingo
- t-t-15488-what-would-i-take-to-space-rocket-writing-frame- ver 1
Week 13 - Week Beginning 15/06/2020
- A timetable of home learning ideas for Reception summer 2 week 3 beg 15 06 20
- Bugclub-Parent-Letter-home-learning
- embrace-our-differences-powerpoint- ver 2.ppt
- heavy-or-light-activity-sheet ver 1
- save-the-superhero-weighing-activity ver 3
- we-are-all-different-discussion-cards ver 4
- Weighing Fish.pptx
- Why is it useful to weigh.pptx
Week 14 - Week Beginning 22/06/2020
- A timetable of home learning ideas for Reception summer 2 week 4 beg 22 06 20 2
- comparing-quantity-size
- counting pennies money worksheet.ppt
- newspaper-report-writing-checklist
- The Whitefield Times
Week 15 - Week Beginning 29/06/2020
- A timetable of home learning ideas for Reception summer 2 week 5 beg 29 06 20 Autosaved
- eyfs-can-describe-their-relative-position-home-learning-challenges ver 1
- eyfs-use-everyday-language-to-talk-about-position-and-solve-problems-home-learning-challenges
- eyfs-uses-positional-language-home-learning-challenges
- If I was a superhero poem
- my-superhero-identity-activity-sheet- ver 2
- Put Your Beanbag Song
- Put Your Playdough Song.pptx
- safe-and-unsafe-to-touch-sorting-activity- ver 1
- -sing-a-song-of-sixpence-sequencing-4-per-a4- ver 1
- superhero-themed-early-writing-activities- ver 5
- superhero-themed-phase-3-phonic-words-activity ver 2
- The cat in the hat captionswithimages
- using-verbs-differentiated-activity-sheet ver 6
Week 16 - Week Beginning 06/07/2020
- A timetable of home learning ideas for Reception summer 2 week 6 beg 06 07 20 Autosaved
- Everyday Hero 1
- greedy-monster-taking-away-activity-sheet ver 4
- hungry-monsters-subtraction-and-reasoning-powerpoint ver 1.pptx
- rainbow-to-five-display-poster- ver 2
- space-themed-one-less-counting-activity-sheet-higher-ability
- the-one-less-than-monkey-powerpoint- ver 1.pptx
- There-Was-an-Old-Lady-Who-Swallowed-a-Fly-Story-Writing-Frames
Week 17 - Week Beginning 13/07/2020
- A timetable of home learning ideas for Reception summer 2 week 7 beg 13 07 20
- -Feelings-Powerpoint .ppt
- -finishing-reception-song
- piratet hemed-ordinal-numbers-powerpoint.ppt
- spreading-my-wings-activity-sheet
- -staying-safe-around-water-powerpoint ver 2.ppt
- t-eyfs-maths-mastery-subtraction-elg-powerpointpptx.pptx
- t-n-2546766-eyfs-maths-uses-the-vocabulary-involved-in-subtracting-home-learning-challenges ver 1
- Traffic-Ordinal-Numbers-Activity-Sheet
- water-safety-discussion-cards ver 1