Values Ambassadors
Our Values Ambassadors team is made up of twelve representatives from Year 6. Our head boy, head girl, deputy head boy and deputy head girl are also part of this team. Every child in Year 6 has the opportunity to apply for the position by writing a letter of application. Applications are made every year and the team is decided by the Year 6 teachers and the Senior Leadership Team.
Our Values Ambassadors embody our school values and ethos and are a role model for all children in our school. The team carry out duties on a daily basis, which may involve monitoring corridors at lunch time or helping out in the dinner hall. From time to time our Values Ambassadors carry out admin tasks set by the office staff and support us in showing visitors around our school. In order to reward children who display positive behaviour choices and our values, our Values Ambassadors hand out reward tokens, which children can exchange for ‘well dones’ in the classroom. Weekly meetings, with Mrs Moye, are held so that messages and concerns can be passed on and dealt with in a diplomatic way.
Our Values Ambassadors are:
Jedidiah, Michel, Anjola, Konamah, Keioni, Ephraim, Rahmah, Esha, Tahmidur