Our Value for this term is ENJOYMENT

Read more about our Values Programme

Whitefields Primary

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A Values Based School

School Council

The School Council is made up of one representative from each of our Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 classes. Elections are held once a year to appoint a class representative.  Every child can apply for the position by completing an application form at home. The returned applications are then read out by the Class Teacher, without mentioning the candidate's name.  The children are invited to vote for their chosen candidate and the application with the most votes is elected as Class Representative.  

Job of a School Councillor

Our School Councillors promote our school values and act as a link between the school pupils and our Senior Leadership Team. Their role is to ensure that everyone's voice is heard and that we work as a community to improve our school's environment.

Since the start of the academic year, the School Councillors have been meeting twice every half-term to discuss various issues that need addressing in school and to come up with ideas for fundraising activities that can support the Friends of Whitefield, our school charity.

Some of the highlights of their work are:

  • They played an active role in the Winter Fayre, choosing what items were sold and collecting feedback from their classmates.
  • They helped to organise a range of discos for different year groups and voted for our first-ever Eid disco to celebrate the end of Ramadan with music and dancing.
  • They consulted with their peers and teachers on how to spend some of the money raised by the Friends of Whitefield. Currently, they are working to organise wet play boxes containing games and toys for indoor playtime and have recently purchased a set of programmable robots.