Our Value for this term is ENJOYMENT

Read more about our Values Programme

Whitefields Primary

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A Values Based School

Rainbow Room (Nurture)

Rainbow Team is a nurture-based team who support children across all year groups in the school. This support can be on a one to one or group work basis. The team can be found on the playground in the mornings welcoming the children into school and again at the end of the day saying a cheery goodbye for a positive start and end to the day.

Rainbow Team work with children on their confidence, self-esteem, social skills and friendships, building resilience and emotional wellbeing, therefore, increasing participation in their learning.

One to one support could be in the classroom or out of class in either Sunshine Room, Rainbow Room or Oasis depending on the needs of the child. Group work takes place in either Rainbow or Sunshine Room with a group of children of similar needs.

At lunchtimes, the team runs a Sunshine Lunch Club for Key Stage 1 children and a Rainbow Lunch Club for Key Stage 2 children. Here the children can play games, get creative with construction toys such as Lego or Knex or participate in some arts and crafts. The clubs help the children to build friendships and learn social skills in a safe, structured environment.